Top 8 Ways to Reduce Inflammation in your Peri Menopause Era
Inflammation naturally occurs during Peri Menopause due to our declining sex hormones the fluctuation causes inflammation throughout our body specifically our mid section, along with our joints and brain. This is uncomfortable and not the look that we are going for when wearing bodysuits, crops and fitted waists, so we must become aware of what we expose our bodies to and aware how this synergistically affects our your whole body during this season and beyond.
1.Eat with intention through Anti inflammatory Foods that consist of eating nutrient dense whole foods such as lean proteins (prioritize protein in each meal), leafy greens, colourful vegetables, low glycolic fruit, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Our body thrives on all things grown in nature. Avoiding ultra processed and refined foods, sugar, alcohol, saturated and Trans fats will help dramatically with bloating and inflammation. I like to say eat the foods that you love and that will love you back.
2.Feed the Gut Micro biome with a diverse array of Fibrous Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, Seeds, Fermented foods and Dark Chocolate, in fact 30 plants to be exact per week to keep it shiny, new and novel for the trillions of microbes in your gut otherwise known as your 2nd brain, they love a variety of plants this is also where some of our happy hormones such as serotonin are released.
3.Practice a Stress Management Protocol such as meditation, journaling, yoga, palates, walking in nature, grounding with bare feet in the grass in the morning to calm your nervous system and allow the sunshine to penetrate in your eyes for your circadian rhythm while keeping Cortisol in its natural rhythm of higher in the morning and lowered in the evening.
4.Get your Beauty Sleep it’s magical and restorative for your cells as they regenerate while sleeping, you can actually lose fat, gain muscle, detox your brain and rejuvenate your mind and body by getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night. When your sleep is off it can affect your mood, thought process and energy. Practise a Sleep Regime of keeping your bedroom dark, blue lights shut down (you can even switch over to red light bulbs), a cooler temperature in your bedroom and cell phones off and away.
5.Reduce and Eliminate Toxins physically, emotionally, mentally, chemically and socially. Inflammation is a protective reaction to hormonal imbalance, peri menopause is a natural time of hormonal imbalance yet we can control our environment by being mindful of what we put in on and surround ourselves with. It is essential that we learn and become aware of how our body works synergistically with everything that we expose it to , it’s a time for self avocation and designing our Lifestyle rituals reflective.
6.Prioritize Socializing, Connection, Love, Fun, Laughter and Experiences, when we are in positive healthy and fulfilling relationships it produces Oxytocin , Oxytocin helps to calm Cortisol, balance Insulin (we become more susceptible to insulin resistance as we transition through menopause) and balance our Sex Hormones. I mean who knew , yes please right, sign me up!
7.Hydration is Key, sipping water with electrolytes throughout the day helps hydrate your body and skin while helping to flush out toxins and keep everything moving . Electrolytes help absorb the water into your body so add a pinch of pink Himalayan salt to your water for better absorption.
8.Add Strength and Resistance Training into your exercise practises, if you don’t currently and finding it daunting, start off with a personal trainer to teach you the correct form to avoid injury and or work around injuries you may currently have, there are in person options or online & virtual options that help save time and money. Both can also help with nutrition based on your individual goals, preferences and style. Muscle is smaller, tighter and more dense than fat, exercise does cause inflammation yet overall
Tamara Mutter of ICONIC Physique & Lifestyle
Certified in Nutrition, Fitness, Hormone and Menopause Coach
I coach women through nutrition, fitness, lifestyle tools and resources to support her journey to optimal health and longevity so that she can become her most ICONIC Self transitioning through Peri to Post Menopause and Beyond!
Posted on August 28 2024